Sri Lanka Commemorates 75 Years of the Geneva Conventions and International Humanitarian Law

Posted on Tuesday, August 20th, 2024

On August 12, Sri Lanka joined the global community in commemorating the 75th anniversary of the 1949 Geneva Conventions, a cornerstone of international humanitarian law (IHL). These Conventions, consisting of four treaties and three additional protocols, form the bedrock of legal standards that protect those affected by the horrors of war, ensuring humane treatment even in the most challenging circumstances.

The milestone event was a collaboration between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Sri Lanka, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), and the Swiss Embassy in Sri Lanka. Together, they hosted a commemorative event that featured a thought-provoking photo exhibition and a panel discussion on the significance of IHL from both global and Sri Lankan perspectives.

The gathering brought together prominent figures from the fields of justice and international humanitarian law in Sri Lanka, creating a platform for rich dialogue on the ongoing relevance and application of the Geneva Conventions. The panel discussion explored the challenges and opportunities in upholding these vital laws in today’s complex conflict environments, both globally and within Sri Lanka.

The photo exhibition provided a poignant visual journey through the history of the Geneva Conventions and their impact on protecting human dignity during armed conflicts. It served as a reminder of the enduring importance of these laws in safeguarding humanity during times of war.

As the world marks 75 years of the Geneva Conventions, Sri Lanka reaffirms its commitment to the principles of IHL and the ongoing efforts to ensure that even in the midst of conflict, humanity prevails.