Empowering the Next Generation: School Dengue Prevention Committees Launched in Colombo

Posted on Tuesday, August 20th, 2024

In a powerful step towards combating the dengue epidemic, the Sri Lanka Red Cross Society’s Colombo Branch has launched School Dengue Prevention Committees, placing the fight against dengue directly in the hands of our future leaders—our children.

These committees, established across schools in Colombo, are more than just an initiative; they represent a commitment to nurturing young leaders who are passionate about creating a safer, cleaner environment. Through targeted awareness campaigns and hands-on activities, students are being equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to prevent the spread of dengue in their schools and communities.

By passing the leadership baton to the next generation, the Sri Lanka Red Cross Society is fostering a culture of responsibility and proactive action among youth. These young leaders are learning the importance of maintaining hygiene, eliminating mosquito breeding grounds, and educating their peers about the dangers of dengue.

This initiative not only empowers children but also strengthens community resilience against the dengue epidemic. As these students take charge, they are making a tangible difference in keeping their schools and neighborhoods safe from the threat of dengue.

Together, with the energy and dedication of our young leaders, we are building a future where the dengue epidemic is a thing of the past.